For Car Dealerships, Hiring An Internet Marketing Agency Will Give You Insight Into Facebook Ads
June 20, 2018

Car Dealerships Can Benefit From Social Media Advertising

For the owners and managers of car dealerships, hiring the right internet marketing agency is crucial. You need a group of dedicated professionals, and a foremost member of that team should be a social media guru. An aggressive ad campaign using social media platforms can be the ticket to getting noticed in your niche. But there seem to be so many platforms out there, and which are the best ones for your purposes?  


Ads On Facebook Will Get You Noticed


Facebook is still the gold standard, the standout of social media platforms. It hosts more than a quarter of the world’s population, which is staggering if you stop to think about it. It also provides advertisers with an unparalleled opportunity to reach their target audience, whomever that might be. If e-commerce is part of your business model, Facebook has to be a focus for you, because it’s the best for lead generation. The model that makes sense for most entities is to run a Facebook ad landing page that offers a high conversion rate. A bundle product or free lead magnet will likely get you the attention you seek.


The most common examples of content for the basis of a social media ad campaign on Facebook are whitepapers, product coupons, and ebooks. You can also find success with giveaways, free shipping, sitewide discounts, and limited time offers. If you’re running a car dealership then some of those options aren’t going to be on the table. But you can sit down with an SEO company and determine what you can offer that is likely to get a potential customer to come walking through your doors.


When you get a lead through Facebook, the next step will be to reel in the potential customer through a targeted autoresponder. This is a method by which you can start to impress upon them what vehicles you have in stock, for instance, and what deals or sales you have going on. It’s not entirely different from the old method of sending out circulars through the mail; it’s just that this route is likely to be more cost-effective, and you’ll reach a wider audience.


As you can see, there’s a lot that Facebook can do for you that can boost your business. You can target by location, and also by pulling vital information from a person’s profile such as past activity and interests. The benefit of this insight cannot be overemphasized from an advertising standpoint. The next step should be for you to contact an internet marketing agency, and sit down and discuss what a Facebook ad campaign might look like for your business.