Car Dealerships Can Find Success By Hiring An Internet Marketing Agency
July 3, 2018

What Is The Best Way To Run Your Ad Campaign?

Your car dealership needs to get the word out about the latest vehicles they have in stock. They need to operate within your advertising budget, and they must figure out how to reach the largest percentage of your potential customers. There are three ways to run an ad campaign, and each one has its positives and its drawbacks. You can run your ad campaign manually. You can run it using automated software. Or you can take the third option, the popularity of which is growing, where you hire an internet marketing agency for car dealerships.


Should You Run Your Ad Campaign Manually?


The biggest pro is budgetary. If you run the campaign yourself, then strictly speaking it costs you nothing but time. There aren’t any special requirements needed to spearhead a campaign. Anyone can try it. Just select a platform, set up an account for your company, and start pursuing the different advertising options there. If you go this route, then every single dollar you spend goes right into advertising, because you don’t need to pay anyone else other than the platform you chose. You will also develop your own expertise, which will doubtless help you further down the line. It’s possible that you might change your tactics further on, but you will start to have a baseline understanding of how a platform works, and you’ll be able to speak with some authority if you eventually hire an SEO company to handle the campaign instead.


The issue with going this way is that expertise doesn’t come quickly, and as you’ve likely heard on more than one occasion, time is money. Every minute that you spend working on your ad campaign and mastering the smaller facets of a particular platform means you’re not working on something else that could likely use your attention. If you’re the owner or the marketing manager of a car dealership, then there’s no question that you have a daily list of things to do. Figuring out how to use Pinterest or Snapchat might not be the best use of your valuable time. If you can devote the needed hours to crafting and running your campaign, that’s great. But you’ll be in the minority.


Most car dealerships want to delegate the ad work to someone who already has the expertise and can back it up with empirical data. That is why internet marketing agencies are thriving these days. There’s nothing that says you need to hire one. But if you want to boost sales and you don’t have a marketing team with social media experience in-house, then spending some of your ad budget on an SEO company is the most cost-effective play.